Saturday, September 26, 2009


Mt. Pleasant Lancaster,Ohio A SCENIC SUNDAY POST

The unsuccessful attempt to get to Devil’s Kitchen:


 Click on above picture to go to blog post of  unsuccessful attempt to get to Devil’s Kitchen.

This time I made it ( would be a lot easier if I weighed 30 pounds less)


Mt. Pleasant is located in Rising Park in Lancaster. I grew up in Lancaster and spent a lot of time there as a kid. I posted the above picture on Face Book and here are some of the comments:

Susie H. Ahh, my old stomping grounds. Spent a lot of time up on that mountain when I was a kid!!

Diane G. Like Susie, these were my old stomping grounds, too, as a kid! We lived on Broad St., across from North School. Do you remember the cave on the North side of the mountain? Been there, done that, too!

Susie H. Yep - we lived on Parkview Drive, right across from the park. Seems like I spent my childhood over there, and yes, I definitely remember the cave - we'd play cowboys & Indians on the mountain & would make that our "home".

Dak S. Had forgotten all about that spot on the mountain, been a lot of years...thanks

Brenda J.James W. can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen lol!

DDiane G.M. Sled riding and ice skating! What fun we had...and can you believe, we were allowed to walk to Rising Park after dark to ice skate! How did any of us survive after ice skating in the cold and the dark during our childhood? Times were so much different then...much better, I believe!

Susie H. Ah yes - ice skating in the dark. Remember when the fire department would come & flood the pond if it got too rough to skate on - those were the days!! I also remember swinging on the swings until the street lights came on - that was my cue to go home. Couldn't do that now. Too bad - the kids today don't know what fun was!

Joe Todd F. Today I take the grandkids to the playground which has been totally redone and is pretty nice. Best I can tell the kids are not there by themselves though. Not like it used to be



An interesting book regarding this area during frontier times is “Forest Rose” by Bennett, Emerson, 1822-1905  The setting for the book is specifically Mt. Pleasant or Standing Stone as it is sometimes called. CLICK and you can download the book for free.


Devils Kitchen above photo and view of Lancaster,Ohio from “The Kitchen” below:


Won’t be long til we have fall colors


Those church steeples show up in an earlier SkyWatch post. Or watch A winter hike to the top of Mt. Pleasant: Just click on the film

clip3 That is all for today thanks for stopping by.

clip2  Joe Todd


TONY LETTS said...

You are so lucky to have all that on your doorstep!

Christina. Sweden said...

Looks like an interesting walk, would like to try immediately!

Thanks for comment on my blog!

annalarssonphotography said...

I would love to try that walk!
Beautiful shots :)

The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

that was very interesting..makes me want to go check it out!

Della said...

Wow, what a place. I would love to try that walk.

Aisha said...

Wish we have that kind of place here too! :) Beautiful!

June said...

Gorgeous place, and awe-inspiring views!
Please tell me that you did not walk on that teeny little ledgey part.

Rick (Ratty) said...

Wow! I love the sight of those trails. That stairway is great. I turn into a little kid when I see something like that. I just want to walk up and down it. I'd probably get tired after the first time now. I could drop a few pounds myself.

eileeninmd said...

Looks like a great trail with pretty scenery. The steps look a litle tiresome though LOL!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful place to grow up1

Photo Cache said...

beautiful views from up there. love to climb up that stairs to get to those scenic views.

Linda said...

The walk reminds me of Paradise Falls, near where I grew up. It is in NE Victoria, Australia.

Linda said...

HIDE said...

Great walk!
Autumn color will be nice there.

Maria said...

What a nice walk! I love to climb rocks too! The view over Lancaster is great!

aurbie said...

Beautiful photos. I so love the mountains. That is the only thing I miss about moving to Maryland. We don't got no mountains on the bay.

Enjoyed your photos. Excellent colors and composition.

Kirigalpoththa said...

That looks like a spectacular place!

Thanks for taking us there!

Gypsy Lala said...

What an interesting place.

Carolyn said...

What a wonderful walk and such a beautiful reward. Thanks for sharing this beautiful part of your world.

Tes said...

Ooh interesting walk! Would love to experience it!

PERBS said...

Neat memories to make with the grandkids. . . I had to look twice to make sure thee was a rail on those steep steps tho. Ü

In my reader, it says you haven't updated a post in two years!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Good job aka in Maori in New zealand, Ka Pai on climbing such a difficult slope. I went on a 4 hour guided tour in July, and some young men offered to carry my knack sack towards the end. We climbed 946 steps.
Thanks for visiting.

storyteller at Sacred Ruminations said...

Wonderful post ... fascinating walk. Methinks I'd find it easier to go UP those stairs than down. Just looking down made me dizzy virtually!
Hugs and blessings,

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Joe: Great photos of the town from above.

Unknown said...

I have very fond memories of Rising Park from my childhood. Thanks for posting the pics. Where does the trail for Devil's Kitchen begin?

Jenn Jilks said...

Wow! What a cool spot!

Anonymous said...

Brings back a lot of familiar and never- forgetting memories of mt. Pleasant and Rising Park. After my breathless climb to the top it was well worth it. I used to live near by the park but spent most of my fun time in the fairgrounds just across the street, another worthwhile attraction. Up the street from where i used to live on Marks Ave i discovered another high point in Lancaster but not as high as mt Pleasant. We called it "Flat Rock" I found more arrow heads in and around that location than any other place. It too holds a lot of Native American historical facts and mysteries. Thanks for the great blog!