Saturday, November 28, 2009





What we have here is the “ Coon Path Road Wetland Mitigation Area.” I have driven by this area many times on my way to play golf and have been intrigued by how and why the 26.5 acres is as it is. Looks like an interesting place to explore. Well maybe not.


The scenic first photo was taken from Coon Path Road (road at bottom of photo). The entire area is enclosed by Rt. 33 bypass on the left, Rt 33 on the right and Coon Path at the bottom. (thanks Google for the aerial) 


This is a a pooled mitigation site created in 2002 to compensate for unavoidable wetland impacts resulting from Ohio Dept. Of Transportation project.


Upper right photo shows one of MANY “No Trespassing Signs.” I love railroad tracks and trains. I found it very difficult to not, “ just wander down the tracks.”


Just a few of the signs telling me not to explore further. But, I did learn via the sign that this whole area is a “mitigation area.”

Wow what’s that??? Go to Google and find out. “The site has been planted with over 32,500 container grown plants, 500 bare root stems, and 200 gallon container sized trees to develop a diverse community of aquatic bed, non-persistent emergent, and forested vegetation.” CLICK TO READ THE WHOLE STORY. I just want to say thanks for all the work and effort that went into creating this area.


This is what I call a true “multiuse area” railroad,power,pipeline,highway and unfortunately someone dumped some tires on the other side of the tracks. Yet, with a lot of work we have a scenic wetlands that is only going to improve with time. (Lancaster really did need a bypass)


To see where this last photo came from and see many more photos CLICK. Above photo shows Coon Path Road where I took several of my photos.

As a kid I had the opportunity to walk many miles of the railroad tracks and explore the farmland marsh area. What made it really great was my good friend Allen and I skipped  school to do it. At the time I think we were in the 7th or 8th grade. As I recall the fishing was pretty good and there were no signs saying, NO TRESPASSING.



Anonymous said...

Hi from Surrey

It seems such as shame that it is "no trespassing" it looks a great place for a walk, I would certainly love to be there !! Enjoy the rest of the weekend, Jackie in UK.

Carolyn Ford said...

I love finding great places to walk and this certainly looks like a place that would catch my eye! Very nice "wetland" in Ohio! Great and informative post!

Carolyn Ford said...

I was at the Grand Canyon and Sedona just last week. There were people but, certainly not crowded by any means. There can be snow on the rim of the canyon this time of year but, it was dry for us...Thank you for your visit!

Coffeedoff said...

It looks so peaceful and far away from the maddening crowds!

Girl Tornado said...

Well, that is all very interesting, and it sounds like a ton of work went into that 26 acres! I love those aerial views on Google. It's fun to try to find your house.

Xavi said...

True, Joe is a great place to spend a vacation.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a happy weekend

Girl Tornado said...

Forgot to answer your question about my Zazzle store... yup, I've had it for about 2 years now. Just now starting to see profits from it! :)

My name is Riet said...

Great story and pictures to go with it

eileeninmd said...

I thought it being a wetlands area it would be like a nature center area for recreation and birding. Gee, how could they make it NO Trespassing. Great photos.

Kim, USA said...

Wow thanks for the info! Happy weekend!

Mine is here Scenic Sunday~Castle Rock

Unknown said...

Wow, that is a great story about some hard working people trying to get a very small scenic area back to natural. It looks great!

SquirrelQueen said...

What a great place to take a walk, very beautiful. Perhaps the 'no trespassing' is temporary to give the plants time to take hold and mature.

Unknown said...

Todd, I couldn't find an email address to answer your question, so came back here: We will be in Alabama until April, then head back to Arizona for the summer season at the North Rim. yep, I love my life!

Pearl Maple said...

That is a beautiful peice of countryside, thanks for sharing your photos with us.

Small City Scenes said...

Darn tho'no trespassing' signs. we have a similar thing out here called 'wetland bank' where a developer (if approved) can build a new wetland in a mitagation area, so they can fill in a existing wetland they want to develope. It is both bad and good. MB

storyteller said...

Lovely photos and mosaics of this wetlands area. We have one not far from where I live. Some parts are available for foot-traffic ... others are not ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
My Scenic Sunday view

wenn said...

lovely pictures..

Quilt Works said...

I liked the photos and it was neat to see the area from Google!
I feel like I was on the trip with you!

... Visit my contribution "Artsy Chair"

Lorac said...

This is going to be marvelous once all those plants take off! A great place to explore. I understand the signs.As you said someone dumped tires already . Imagine if it was open to the public now what would be dumped! Thanks for showing us this great area.

Linnea said...

Looks like you explored every square inch of that place. Thanks for the views and info...

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Joe: I'm glad you had some great times in the wetlands.

Joe Todd said...

I drove past the area today on the way to play golf and there were hundreds of ducks

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

Oh Dear, the grass is so brown, is this like this all the time. I like tree planting, may be when the trees grow, it will make the place greener.

Icy BC said...

From your wonderful photos, it looks like a great place to spend the day!

Blessing Reflections said...

Beautiful photos, and hopefully with time it'll become a great place for all to enjoy.

Anonymous said...

How interesting thay there are so many no trespassing signs. Oe question, though. If it belongs to the state of Ohio, doesn't it belong to the people of Ohio? I'm confused.

Joe Todd said...

Stine all those signs kind of scared me off I was a little confused to