Thursday, March 04, 2010

Looking For Color In Ohio ( For Sky Watch Friday)


For SKY WATCH FRIDAY I’m going to try and find some color on this winter day. Leaving Lancaster,Ohio behind and heading for the Hocking Hills I will be looking for some “high ground” to search for some color on this gray day.What could be better than a Fire Tower for a good view?





Lot of steps to climb to get a good view. Not looking for any fires just some color.




Can you see it? Way off in the distance I think I see a little color. First, I would like for you to see this photo titled (Gray on Grey).

framedhhgraygrey If all you have to work with is gray skies one must be innovative, right ????? I know I saw some color down the road so let’s take a look.


  framedhh7  Some GREEN pine trees.


A touch of YELLOW,RED,AND BLUE but I’m sure I saw more.


BLUEBOTTLES  All I can say is, “In Ohio this time of year you do what ya gotta do.” LOL

graywolf Gray Wolf says, “Thanks for stopping by”…………………………………………………………..


Lona said...

Ahh, been climbing around in my side yard I see. LOL! In the Fall that is a wonderful sight to look across.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Great post.

We've seen tons of grey skies lately too, but the weather has changed for the better. Still a bit nippy outdoors but the skies have suddenly turned BLUE and the sunsets have been incredible! What a welcome change, eh?

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Ha Ha ha ----Love the Blue Bottle Tree... As you said, we need to find some color wherever we can!!!!!

Great post. Love the views from the top of the fire tower. Would love to see them again in spring/summer...


Eaglesbrother said...
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Eaglesbrother said...

Gray Skies and winter go hand in hand sometimes but it looks like you had a bit of fun trying to find that elusive color.

Anonymous said...

We have boring grey skies too, just makes it all the better when the blues return!..... thanks ofr your efforts, and sharing!....:)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Joe: Great capture of the blue in the air. We actually have had some changes the last few days.

Photo Cache said...

photohunting for skywatch? that's pretty neat concept.

Sylvia K said...

I do love what you can do with gray skies and that bottle tree is priceless! Hopefully you'll see some blue before long! It's a little hard to sit at my desk today because we do have some sun and wild looking cloud formations! Have a great weekend, sending blue your way!


Jim said...

Love the bottle tree.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Rajesh said...

Marvelous snaps. The view from the top is beautiful.

Tara R. said...

The blue bottles in the tree is really sort of pretty.

The view from the fire tower is lovely.

Anonymous said...

Those blue bottles certainly add color to a gray day!

Guy D said...

Excellent skywatch post, thanks for sharing.

All the best
Regina In Pictures

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Joe -- I actually think I'm going to be able to leave a comment! Yes.
That bottle tree is very funny. But I think the grey on gray picture (or was it grey on gray?) was quite artistic; much better than the cardboard I threatened to take back in Oregon.
I enjoyed sharing your hunt for color. thanks.

Ramosforest.Environment said...

I´ve seen colorfull posts here!!
Beautiful blog soul.
Thanks, Gray Wolf!
Luiz Ramos

Johnny Nutcase said...

nice photos, Joe! I kinda like the blue bottles, they're a great color! I'm so jealous of your fire towers! I haven't been up in one in much too long!

Don Wood said...

Love the bottles we have has an odd week dismal to bright blue sunny shiny days here in the UK but its still freezin cold

Buck said...

I have carried a backpack full of radio gear up one of those things. Add in the car battery to power it all and I know just how hard it is to climb!!

Nice find with the bottles.

TONY LETTS said...

I really like those blue bottles

Maia T said...

Great overview from the fire tower.It is really very hard to find some color in nature without sunshine but as I see in your photos, it is possible if you are trying hard. The blue bottles in the last picture make a pleasing composition too.

Anonymous said...

Haha! That's a great post, Joe. You should be down here in the south though if you're looking for color through all the gray. My daffodils are not sprouting green. Before too long, they will be a golden yellow. Can't wait.

Great pictures! Thanks for sharing. You made me laugh. :D


happily retired gal said...

Delightfully entertaining post in so many ways. Love the way you dressed up your grey skies with red frames and that bottle tree is something else. Well done ;-)
Hugs and blessings,