'Let us not get so busy or live so fast that we can't listen to the music of the meadow or the symphony that glorifies the forest. Some things in the world are far more important than wealth; one of them is the ability to enjoy simple things.- Dale Carnegie
THE SIMPLE THINGS FOR ME ARE WANDERING, GARDENING, AND GOLFING. Lately I’ve been spending a lot of time in the garden.(I know I need to do more commenting)
Last year the groundhog pretty much devastated the garden. (note the fence) so far so good. There are two peach trees at the far end of the garden and the limbs are loaded with peaches.
The strawberries are done for the season but we did manage to freeze some. Right now Red Raspberries are going strong. Pies,Cobbler,and on vanilla ice cream. OH MY Red Raspberries contain significant amounts of polyphenol antioxidants such as anthocyanin pigments linked to potential health protection against several human diseases.
No photo of the pie because it is in my stomach. Last year I did a post on the old garden shed . This spring Linda and I assembled the new shed. Without Linda reading and interpreting the directions the THOUSANDS of pieces would still be in the box.
Cucumbers,Onions, Corn, and Zucchini. The tomato (Solanum lycopersicum),is also called the love apple
Yes,the whole backyard is a garden ( Somewhere between 90 and 100 tomato plants.) There will be a lot of canning in the near future.
So, that is My World Tuesday 6/22/2010. Click to explore more of this wonderful world.
Sometimes Linda and I just sit on the back deck and watch everything grow.
Linda is in the “sewing room”. She just got and order for fifteen of her handcrafted Teddy Bears. Each Teddy Bear has a zippered compartment in the back and an embroidered name on the arm. When I have a problem I just write it down on a note pad and put the note in the Teddy Bears back. A problem shared with a “Bear” is a problem solved. LOL::::: and as always, “Thanks for stopping by”
I like your series of photos. I especially like the rasberry photo. It makes my mouth water....... Thanks for sharing.
It looks like your garden is bountiful this year. I, too, like the picture of the raspberries. They look delicious!
We live in the house that Bob grew up in. Our entire back yard used to be a garden. Bob's father had the green thumb.
i'm grinning here while reading your post. i'm ok with not seeing the pie in your stomach.:D you have a fantastic garden, i wish i have something like that. i hope someday..when i retire.:p
wow, lovely garden u hv there!
Wow Joe your garden looks so wonderful. Those berries look so yummy.
Joe: Wonderful post, my garden has gotten smaller as the children have left the nest. Yours is doing wonderful.
Gee Joe.... I can tell that you have spent ALOT of time in your garden this year. WOW---you will have tons of veggies and fruits... I'm SO impressed....
No photo of the pie because it is in my stomach: you are so funny, but so true. Often it happens to me.
I like the stoned fruits. Yum
sorry to hear you had a groundhog day :)
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