The purpose of life: For me the purpose of life is to be happy.
How to achieve happiness: For me the journey from selfish to selfless is the road I trudge in seeking happiness.
I have found; the more I care for the happiness of others, the greater my own sense of well-being. Very simply a matter of perspective.
As I see it, happiness depends upon two specific criteria: 1. The Physical ( a healthy body ) and 2. Mental (attitude)….. Unless I have a physical ailment I often don’t even think about my “body” but my mind on the other hand registers everything. So, I devote more time and effort developing a “peaceful” mind.
Three traits to cultivate: LOVE, COMPASSION,and HUMILITY.
No man is an island (apology to Paul Simon) love lies at the very foundation of human existence.
Strive for COMPASSION based on reason instead of an emotional response.
I know how to be arrogant,boastful,and vain. I’ve had years of practice. Humility is just the opposite. One gains HUMILITY by being selfless instead of selfish. “Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.”
I was extremely ambitious and full of anger because my ambitions were not being met. I had the diseases of “MORE” and “SELF”.
Today I define ambition as “The deep desire to live a useful life and walk humbly under the Grace of God.” ( as you may understand him) A life changing definition, at least for me.
What can be done about anger and resentments? Anger is merely a secondary emotion based on FEAR and a resentment is merely a re-feeling of the anger, but I know them well.
As I trudge the road of happy destiny I have found some tools to help me deal with anger. 1. The Prayer of Saint Francis specifically the first two lines;
“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace;where there is hatred, let me sow love” If I repeat those two lines a few times any anger seems to melt away. 2. The well known Serenity Prayer: - “God,
- Grant me the serenity;
- To accept the things I cannot change;
- The courage, to change the things I can;
- And the wisdom, to know the difference.“ ( I NEED ALL THE WISDOM I CAN GET)
- “Living one day at a time;
- Enjoying one moment at a time;
- Accepting hardships as a pathway to peace;
- Taking, as He did, this sinful world
- As it is, not as I would have it;
- Trusting that He will make all things right
- If I surrender to His Will;
- So that I may be reasonably happy in this life
- And supremely happy with Him
- Forever and ever in the next.”::::::::::::::In my life the greatest “growth” as a human being has occurred during times that were excruciatingly difficult.
- I usually try to start and end each day with two prayers. 1. “Lord relieve me of the bondage of self so I may better do thy will.”
- 2. The Lords Prayer and how does it start “Our Father” which reminds me we are all brothers and sisters. (easy to forget sometimes)
- Click on the above logos to visit some great blogs with great scenes and spiritual messages. The above photos were taken at Seneca Lake in Ohio.
A little different kind of post for me. I hope you enjoyed the post and I appreciate you stopping by.-
- Remember; we are forgiven by forgiving others
Today’s special link CLICK and for a different point of view Snowbrush has written several thought provoking posts -