A My Quality Time post from Lancaster,Ohio. Most of the photos were posted by my friends on Facebook,emails,or other web sites I linked to. A couple were actually mine. Always appreciate the Wikis. If anyone is visiting from Hilton Head make sure you check out Harold’s Diner.
Happy Birthday Abe (February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865) I’LL BET ABE WISHES HE COULD HAVE SHOPPED AT AMAZON: Shop Amazon Athletic
The coffee's not going to make itself and my coffee maker hasn't come home yet. (Thanks Tony)
If you can read this hit the share button, but don't give it away. Hit the share button anyway.
What’s wrong with you hit the share button.
Bambi a blonde in her fourth year as a UCLA Freshman, sat in her US
Government class. The professor asked Bambi if she knew what
Roe vs. Wade was about.
Bambi pondered the question; then, finally, said, 'That was the decision
George Washington had to make before he crossed the Delaware .
5 Things Nobody Tells You About Quitting Drinking (A LITTLE PROFANE)
"So ... how much do you drink per day?"
I started to answer, but he threw up a hand to stop me and continued, "If you don't stop drinking right now, you'll be dead before you're 40. You're 35, and your liver is already showing signs of shutting down. Then again, the faster all the drunks die off, the more space we free up in this hospital for people with actual medical problems that are beyond their own control." Then he punched me in the face and hobbled out of the room on his cane.Read the whole story
Lake Erie to be renamed Lake Ohio
The frog went into the bank after he had lousy service and bad food at the local diner. He had great hopes of getting a loan READ MORE.
Stepping Out of the "Should" Trap
THE GHOST CORNER:::Deep in the backwoods of Vinton County stands the Moonville Tunnel, a relic from a bygone age.. yet I am certain that what ever it is in Moonville, it is still roaming the woods behind the tunnel. IF YOU ARE GOING TO ROAM THE WOODS BE PREPARED
HAUNTED Zaleski State Forest
Jokes of the proper kind, properly told, can do more to enlighten questions of politics, philosophy, and literature than any number of dull arguments. -Isaac Asimov
Humor is a universal language. -Joel Goodman
Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not; a sense of humor to console him for what he is. -Francis Bacon
Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquillity. -James Thurber
Humor helps us to think out of the box. The average child laughs about 400 times per day, the average adult laughs only 15 times per day. What happened to the other 385 laughs? –Unknown

Well it is Sunday in Lancaster,Ohio and it is cold/snowy. I would rather be in Hilton Head S.C. visiting Harold’s Diner.. Appreciate you stopping by and I hope you have a great day. I’ll leave you with one last link:::: The average annualized yield of our six mREITs is a healthy 14%. But as with any sector, especially high-yield instruments, no investor in mREITS should go "all in" $NLY my favorite stock
A My Quality Time post from Lancaster,Ohio. Most of the photos were posted by my friends on Facebook,emails,or other web sites I linked to. A couple were actually mine. Always appreciate the Wikis. If anyone is visiting from Hilton Head make sure you check out Harold’s Diner.
Great stuff, Joe!!!! Thanks for the grins!!!!
I especially loved the sinking ship, and it's reusable every four years. All you would have to do would be to update the name of the president.
Hi, Kay!
Hey, I just remembered that I think I introduced you guys. I would say it's worked out pretty well as that was surely a year or more ago.
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