Monday, July 30, 2012


A most useful tool when visiting National Parks. Can be downloaded online or pick one up at the visitor centers..

Download the Park Newspaper
for the South Rim of Grand Canyon

There really is a Grand Canyon East and it begins just below Glen Canyon Dam which creates Lake Powell.




We are up early and after a great breakfast at the Cameron Trading Post (see previous post) we are on our way to The South Rim Grand Canyon Village via. Desert View and the east entrance.


If eligible make sure you have::

America the Beautiful – National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass – Senior Pass Cost: $10 Lifetime pass for U.S. citizens or permanent residents age 62+ Provides access to, and use of, all national parks and Federal recreation sites that charge an entrance fee.We visited 5 National Parks (4 people) and did not have to pay any entrance fee.


“Desert View Watchtower, also known as the Indian Watchtower at Desert View, is a 70-foot (21 m)-high stone building located on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon within Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona, United States. The tower is located at Desert View, more than 20 miles (32 km) to the east of the main developed area at Grand Canyon Village.”  Wikipedia

westday2kodak 004DSC_0095 The bottom floor of the tower now contains a gift shop while the upper floors serve as an observation deck from which visitors to the national park can view eastern portions of the Grand Canyon.(Love that blue sky)




Fred Kabotie Mural in Desert View Watchtower




View from the tower looking down to the observation platform.



Linda is reading:: Over the Edge: Death in Grand Canyon by M.P. Ghiglieri & T.M. Myers. Dedication for the book:: “For the millions who come to Grand Canyon in the future,that they each may walk away enriched—and in one piece….. And also in recognition of each member of every search and rescue team from Arizona and Utah and Nevada and of every guide,companion,and Good Samaritan who has risked his or her life to save those of us who otherwise never would have walked away at all.”


DSC_0147 Ted R. says it”s time to move on.



Make sure to bring your water bottle and refill as needed.. Dehydration Kills.




DSC_0158 Kind of hazy but you can just make out Humphreys Peak,the highest point in Arizona at 12,633 feet.







So that”s what it is………….







“Experimentation with horticultural subsistence began in the Southwest around 3500 B.P. with the appearance of maize agriculture. Horticultural subsistence strategies still relied heavily on hunting and gathering local resources, though maize, beans, and squash were planted in locations where seasonal flooding allowed for the germination and growth of cultivated plants. With the adoption of a more sedentary lifestyle, storage cists and granaries were used to store surplus supplies and pottery appeared by A.D. 500. The gradual shift to village life is referred to as the Formative Period, lasting from A.D. 500 to 1540 (Neal et al. 1999).” READ MORE

westday2kodak 006 There are different ways to travel:



westday2kodak 027 Have to loose some weight..LOL.

westday2kodak 005

"There are no words that can tell the hidden spirit of the wilderness, that can reveal its mystery, its melancholy, and its charm." Ted R.

westday2kodak 009 “Treat the Earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children.”
-Ancient American Indian Proverb

westday2kodak 007 That’s all folks.. Thanks for stopping by…………………….

Download the Park Newspaper
for the South Rim of Grand Canyon


Elizabeth Edwards said...

great views. you can see for miles, miles & miles. one day i know i will be there as well. something to remember ... wow!! (:

Snowbrush said...

Your pictures are lovely, Joe. I guess you don't need your trike's fenders much where you are.

Unknown said...

Great tour!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

eileeninmd said...

Great series, Joe! The Grand Canyon is a beautiful place to visit. Did you meet Gaelyn? I love the transportation shots, very nicely done. Looks like a great vacation. Thanks for sharing.

Al said...

Very nice photos. It's been a while since I've been to the Grand Canyon, I need to go back again.

Sylvia K said...

Fantastic captures, Joe, and another one of my favorite places!! I do hope you had a great time! It does look as if you did! Thanks for sharing the beauty and the fun! Have a good week!

Louis la Vache said...

As is so often the case, «Louis'» weekend work schedule means that he can't visit those who have contributed to Sunday Bridges until Monday. That being the case, he belatedly thanks you for participating!

wenn said...

wow,,you had an interesting trip!

Randi said...

Thanks for this fantastic tour! I´m sure you had some wonderful days there!

Lona said...

How amazing Joe. Just beautiful. I was there when I was a small kid but I think I would appreciate it all a lot more if I saw it today. A great vacation you and Linda had.

TONY LETTS said...

Those views are incredible - but don't mention snakes to my wife :)

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

What a great trip you guys had -- we happen to like that country a lot ;>!!! Beautiful scenic phtos and Loved the comparison of the two modes of travel -- that's fun!

Black Jack's Carol said...

This detailed post was especially appreciated since I haven't had the opportunity to visit the Grand Canyon. It's definitely on my "must see" list. I liked the quotes, and especially the idea that the earth is on loan to us from our children.

Living In Williamsburg Virginia said...

These shots are fantastic! Looks like a great adventure.

Darryl and Ruth :)

Jenn Jilks said...

You must be having such fun!
The photos are wonderful. Thank you for sharing them.
I have never heard of a gopher snake.
We have ratsnakes, but Fred, our gopher, would be shocked!
Cheers from Cottage Country!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Captured beautifully.. May you enjoy a great weekend.

My Sky Shots

Liz said...

Beautiful photos. Happy sky watching.


A Colorful World said...

More awesome pictures and info of your trip! By the way, even if you had been in Phoenix longer, I doubt if we could have driven up to meet with you during this trip. We are on a tight budget right now, not taking any trips or eating out, in anticipation of our family vacation coming soon. But, maybe we can meet some other time.