Saturday, September 01, 2012

Durango's Strater Hotel, Western History since 1887,Author Louis L'Amour,The Sacketts



Louis_L'Amour “L'Amour began bringing his family to Durango in the summers beginning in the mid-1960s, and there he wrote the popular Sackett series of Western novels. The room, available to guests, still includes the desk on which he wrote.”Read More:

DSC_0146DSC_0147 Mr. L’Amour is probably my favorite author and I have read all of his books, sometimes more than once.

DSC_0164 I was told, “L'Amour would bring his family to Durango for a month or more and stay at the Strater Hotel room 222. His family would be in the adjacent room.”

DSC_0158 DSC_0155He wrote the Sackett series of Western novels from this table.


“The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail. Travel too fast,and you miss all you are traveling for.” Louis L'Amour



“Durango, Colorado – The Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations (ALTAFF) has designated the historic Strater Hotel Guest Room 222 a Literary Landmark ™ in honor of Twentieth Century American author Louis L’Amour.Saturday, August 25, 2012.” Mr. L’Amour credited his inspiration to the sounds of Honky Tonk piano emanating up from the Strater Hotel’s Diamond Belle Saloon.” Read More


Waiting for a table at the Diamond Belle Saloon.


“A little rest and meditation often saves a lot of riding over rough country.” ― Louis L'Amour

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“Anger is a killing thing: it kills the man who angers, for each rage leaves him less than he had been before - it takes something from him.”  Louis L'Amour


“Too often I would hear men boast of the miles covered that day, rarely of what they had seen” Louis L'Amour

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“If you want the law to leave you alone, keep your hair trimmed and your boots shined.”
― Louis L'Amour, The Man Called Noon: A Novel

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Diamond Belle Saloon Gunfights, May 21 - October 12, 2012
Monday, Wednesday, Friday - approximately 7:00 p.m. out front of The Belle

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Some of the photos are more “scenic” than others LOL


“Knowledge was not meant to be locked behind doors. It breathes best in the open air where all men can inhale its essence.” ― Louis L'Amour, The Haunted Mesa…(check out my blog post:: about Cedar Mesa and The Valley Of The Gods..Is this the Haunted Mesa..I think so..

westdurangokod2012 040 Thanks for stopping by. If you are ever at the Diamond Belle Saloon make sure to say Hi…. Joe Todd says, “Thanks for the great service.”

NOTE: All photos are mine except two.. One is from Wikimedia and the other is from The Strater Hotel Web Site. One other photo is from a dining establishment in Silverton…  Go back and look at the photos and see if you can figure out which is which… For more Louis L'Amour quotes CLICK

“Fully excavated, the kiva reveals itself as anomalous in having no sipapu” HAUNTED MESA”…

Do you see the sipapu in the above Kiva? (Mesa Verde)


Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Great to visit where favorite authors lived or wrote! It's funny that his family had to stay in a separate room... Good pictures -- all of them look professional to me. Did you take the steam train?

TONY LETTS said...

My kind of hotel :)

Snowbrush said...

I enjoyed the photos as well as what I learned here.