John Muir (1838-1914) was America's most famous and influential naturalist and conservationist, and founder of the Sierra Club. This website, known as the "John Muir Exhibit" features his life and contributions.

A “My Quality Time” museum post. A visit to Museum Row on Main & a side trip to Churchill Downs… Stop #1 The Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory.
“According to company legend, the first pro bat was turned by Bud for Pete Browning in 1884. Browning was a star on Louisville's professional American Association team–the Eclipse. On a spring afternoon Bud, then seventeen years old, witnessed Browning break his favorite bat. Bud offered to make a bat for his hero and Browning accepted. According to the story, after the young wood shop apprentice lathed a quality stick from white ash Browning got three hits with it in the next game. Because of his tremendous hitting power, Browning was known as "The Louisville Slugger" years before the Hillerich family trademarked the name for their bats.” READ MORE
3,072 Reviews TripAdvisor Community #2 of 142 things to do in Louisville.
“See the thousands of signatures that have been burned into a Louisville Slugger baseball bat.
Louisville Slugger personalized bats can be purchased in person at the Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory Museum Store located at 800 West Main Street..
One Day the Devil challenged the Lord to a baseball game. Smiling the Lord proclaimed, "You don't have a chance, I have Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantle, and all the greatest players up here". "Yes", snickered the devil, "but I have all the umpires."
If you like a “feel good” baseball movie check this out:
Take a guided tour through the factory where Louisville Slugger bats are crafted with the same pride that started in 1884.
What takes longer, running from first base to second, or from second to third? Second to third, because you have to go through a shortstop. (sorry about that)
Thanks for stopping by “My Quality time” & I hope you enjoyed a quick tour of The Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory… Louisville Kentucky. Future posts:: Frazier History Museum 829 West Main Street Louisville, KY 40202. Muhammad Ali Center & The Kentucky Derby Museum