Have a Quality Time Day
SO YOU COWARDS think you're tough because you jumped me?? WAITED for me to be ALONE...and in front of my HOUSE???

shit, I STILL handled all of you, left 3 of you laid out on the ground!! You're LUCKY I don't have any marks on my face!! I have some on my arms but so what!!!! Not like what you PUNKS got!!! I'll bet Y'all didn't expect me to come out swinging LIKE I DID what with it being your 6 against my one!! I might be 60 but I'm not too old for this kinda shit so bring it on! I cannot tell a lie. I WAS getting tired. But I kept on swinging to make sure you PUNKS got yours...! PUNKS!!!!! All I have to say is I smacked ever' last one of 'em down!! HA! 'Cuz I hate mosquitoes, too!!! HA!
“I never said, 'I want to be alone.' I only said 'I want to be let alone!' There is all the difference.”
“Anyone who has a continuous smile on his face conceals a toughness that is almost frightening.”
“Life would be so wonderful if we only knew what to do with it. ”
― Greta Garbo (born today in 1905) 9/18/2018

Have a great day…………
Ha! You got the best of 'em! Good for you! Don't need no stinkin' "OFF!"
The joke reminds me of the old folk tale "Jack The Giant Killer". i forget what those were that Jack slayed, maybe flies?
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