Linda and I cross the river as we leave Harpers Ferry heading for Antietam Battlefield where The Bloodiest One Day Battle in American History occurred. It is late in the day so first let’s stop for dinner at a cafe in Shepherdstown West Virginia
We are tired after a long day so a stop at the Bavarian Inn with it’s scenic location overlooking the Potomac river where fog and water are the order of the evening. ( can’t see the river for the fog)
We are up early the next day heading for the battlefield where for the purpose of this post we will explore The Burnside Bridge. On Sept. 17, 1862 General Burnside and 12,000 Union soldiers met the Confederate soldiers, under the command of Brigadier General Robert Toombs. (Today some say the Bridge is haunted)
Joe Todd reporting from the Battlefield says,”Thanks for stopping by” and “We can all support our troops by supporting ”